Westport Homeowners: What does it mean to list your home as a “coming soon?”

📣 Westport Homeowners 📣 Do you remember CDs? Remember how we all waited in anticipation for their release dates? Some of them even released at midnight, and we waited on line for them.

That’s what we do with ‘Coming Soon’ listings: we create the hype, with the ‘release date’ taking form as a ‘Coming Soon.’ What happens with a ‘Coming Soon?’ We put it on the market – photos, everything – but there are no showings. We do this for 7 days, but not much longer because we don’t want the anticipation to die off (and we’ve found that 7 days is the sweet spot).

Another good feature of a ‘Coming Soon’ listing is that those 7 days don’t count as days-on-market (DOM) – so you’re getting good exposure, without the negativity of DOM.

📲 If you’ve been thinking about selling your house as a private listing, before you do that, let’s chat about listing it as ‘Coming Soon,’ and how that can work to get you the most amount of money for your home! 🏡

Judy Michaelis
