The overview below shows real estate activity for January 2023. You will see data comparisons between January and the previous month, the last three months and January 2022.
The median sales price in January 2023 was $875,000, down -35.40% from $1,354,500 from the previous month and -30.0% lower than $1,250,000 from January 2022. The January 2023 median sales price was at a mid level compared to January 2022 and 2021. The average sales price in January 2023 was $1,070,714, down -18.93% from $1,320,667 from the previous month and -16.85% lower than $1,287,750 from January 2022. The January 2023 average sale price was at its lowest level compared to January 2022 and 2021.